Ross Park Zoo: Creekside Play and Learning Center update

We are excited to announce that NLI’s Ross Park Zoo partners, Bingamton NY, have been awarded $300,000 from a local foundation to support construction of the Creekside Play and Learning Center. This first phase of Master Plan implementation, provides a public facing, indoor-outdoor, intergenerational facility, including renovation of the existing Boo Building and outdoor redesign to serve multiple functions bordering Park Creek, as defined in the Master Plan created by NLI (see for more information).

The Creekside Play and Learning Center plan contains flexible community spaces to support diverse programming, including school groups, summer camps, and overnight experiences. Educational displays highlight global and local conservation efforts, along with taxidermy specimens and related artifacts. Located around the building and along Park Creek, three dedicated outdoor play and learning areas introduce users to the waterside ecosystem, while supporting learning through playful exploration. This highly visible, easily accessible hub will offer a diverse range of play and learning opportunities serving the community and educational programs for all ages and abilities.

Concept Sketches

Comparison Slider

Before and after construction: Use the circle handle in the image slider to compare the existing and projected site conditions, before and after construction!

Ross Park creek bed site BEFORE. Ross Park creek bed site AFTER.
Ross Park creek bed site BEFORE. Ross Park creek bed site AFTER.