Ross Park Playful Learning Forest
The Ross Park Playful Learning Forest Master Plan (Design Program + Site Plan) was initiated with a community survey and a two- day site visit, including a stakeholder workshop facilitated by NLI.
The vision projected by responses to the Community Survey was clearly broader in scope than the original project title (Nature Play and Exploration Trail), reinforced by the Stakeholder Workshop participants who emphasized educational potential. The site itself suggested a more ambitious approach. Eventually, these shared perceptions resulted in the expanded, renamed,“Playful Learning Forest.”
The purpose of the Master Plan is to provide the Ross Park Play and Learning Forest implementation team with a decision-making guide, framed by the project mission and goals described below. The Design Program narrative is based on the results of the segmented Community Survey, which describes the user needs and physical infrastructure improvements proposed by survey respondents, incorporated into the Site Plan. The Community Survey results will continue to inform the future Schematic Design, Activity Programming, and related site management process.
Download the Ross Park Play & Learning Forest Master Plan: