
As children work to create a path through a garden area, they manipulate both heavy and light materials, thus practicing a variety of motor skills. Working around a garden also fosters interest in growing healthy food.


Garden Area



Curricular Areas:

  • Health and Physical Development (motor skills, physical health & growth)


  1. Place a pile of wood chips and a pile of stones close to the garden area. Also have some buckets and child-sized garden rakes available.
  2. Invite children to help create a path through the garden by spreading wood chips and lining the path with rocks.
  3. Provide materials and a place for creating a mini garden. This can be done on a table or sand table with small furniture, figurines, etc. where children can install and modify pathways and other settings.

Engaging Parents:

  1. Take a picture of the completed garden path. Post the picture in a readily-accessible place and/or include it in a parent newsletter.
  2. Invite children to draw a picture of the garden path and then share the picture with their parents.

Materials & Tools

  • Wood chips
  • Stones
  • Buckets
  • Child-sized garden rakes
  • Materials for creating a mini garden (small furniture, figurines, etc.)