The Catawba Nation iswa Early Learning Center
The Catawba Nation, iswa Early Learning Center is working with NLI to naturalize their outdoor play and learning environment and make it more expressive of the iswa culture (iswa means “river people”– of the Catawba River). A combined NLI and State of South Carolina project team recently visited the Catawba Nation Reservation in Rock Hill, SC, to work with Center staff and tribal representatives to collaborate on the design process. An evening Community Gathering discussed iswa cultural traditions that could be supported by design of the physical environment. The following day, a Design Workshop brought together the project team, Center Staff, and tribal members to work on three alternative site layouts (for later assessment and combination into a single scheme for review and design progression). Following the Workshop, cultural immersion continued with a visit to the Catawba Cultural Center and a hike along the interpretive forest trail to the Catawba River.
People of the River
Friday Evening Community Gathering
Roo George-Warren, Catawba Nation Executive Committee/Tribal Leadership describes a nature-based vision and ideas for the iswa Early Learning Center future outdoor play and learning spaces.
Crystal Jackson, Director, iswa Early Learning Center, shares her enthusiasm for enriching nature play and learning experiences for iswa children.
Beverly Hunter, South Carolina Department of Social Services (SC DSS), explains DSS’s commitment to supporting development of the iswa Early Learning Center as a nature-based demonstration site.
Misty Pearson, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), explains that creation of an outdoor play and learning demonstration site at the iswa Early Learning Center is part of Grow Outdoors South Carolina (GO SC).
Saturday Design Workshop
Nilda Cosco, NLI, talks about the physical and mental health benefits of nature-based play and learning spaces and explains how experience of nature is a bond-in-common of all peoples and Mother Earth.
Julieta Sherk, NLI, underscore the importance of biodiversity and the practical requirements for increasing it on the ground.
Design Teams present design thinking diagrams using construction paper to locate activity settings at the same scale as the site survey base plan.
Design Teams present design thinking diagrams using construction paper to locate activity settings at the same scale as the site survey base plan.
Design Teams present design thinking diagrams using construction paper to locate activity settings at the same scale as the site survey base plan.