NLI’s Early Childhood Professional Development Program on a roll!

In 2022, NLI offered five Early Childhood Outdoor Learning Environments courses to designers and educators. The 170+ participants left energized and ready to share what they learned as both seasoned and beginning practitioners.

What participants had to say:

This has been an eye-opening course to learn what is possible by using the outdoors and returning to how we behaved before modern life brought us inside and promoted sedentary behavior. While I am not in a classroom setting this is a program to support throughout the community so more will be aware of how to promote good health at a young age.

I have truly enjoyed this course and recognize the work being completed to provide more opportunities for children to thrive. All individuals involved with childcare in any manner should take the course to continue the movement.

Thank you for sharing all this wonderful information. I have found such valuable resources and learned a lot. I am so excited to bring this to the programs I work with!