NLI’s Community of Interest

Thank you for taking part in NLI’s “community of interest” (COI) by subscribing to the Natural Learning Initiative Newsletter and using NLI resources! Subscribers like you are a diverse group based in 173 countries (see Google Analytics map).

Media views, resource downloads, and website explorations help us analyze which resources are most helpful and consider how to better serve our COI (be assured that no personal identifiers are tracked). Please help spread the word so we can continue to grow, provide more resources, add to the NLI professional development program, and support the healthy, nature-based development of many more children.

Please feel free to contact us at to share comments and observations, suggest additional resources, and express any other needs that could extend your professional effectiveness. Thank you for your continuing support and solidarity!

*Darker green indicates a higher subscription count.


119 posts

30 videos
339 subscribers

789 posts