
Nature Play and Learning Places

Authors: Moore, Robin; & Cooper, Allen.

National Guidelines created through a partnership between the National Wildlife Federation and the Natural Learning Initiative to bring nature play and learning to every community. For those who create, manage, or promote the development of nature in the everyday environments of children, youth, and families, especially in urban/suburban communities.

“Decoding the human genome was impressive. The internet has been transformative. Big data are amazing. But a child playing in the woods? That simple, time-honored image is at once magical, and powerful, and inspiring.”

from the Foreward to Nature Play and Learning Places by Howard Frumkin, M.D., Dr.P.H., Dean, University of Washington School of Public Health.

Chapter 6 Preview: Risk management in children’s play settings has historically focused on injury avoidance, and standards for manufactured play equipment (ASTM) and playground guidelines (CPSC) were developed to achieve that goal. Unfortunately, an exclusive focus on injury avoidance has tended to produce uninspired, “cookie-cutter” playgrounds with diminished play value.

Current Status: We apologize that Nature Play and Learning Places is currently unavailable. The initial print run rapidly sold out. Publication as a print book is currently under review. We hope to have an updated publication date soon. Please send an email to, so we can update you on the progress. Thanks again for your interest.