12th Annual Growing IN Place
Urban Outdoor Play and Learning: Post-pandemic lessons for policy and practice
The 12th Annual Growing In Place will focus on Urban Outdoor Play and Learning: Post-pandemic Lessons for Policy and Practice. Alongside its devastating health effects, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in daily life for children, youth, and their families. Research suggests that during lockdown most children spent less time outdoors, became less physically active, and spent more time in front of screens. As the pandemic-related mental health crisis grows, access to the natural world will be more important than ever.
Online Virtual Symposium
September 7, 2022
1:00-5:00pm EDT
General Registration: $60
Early Bird Registration: $50 (Until July 29, 2022)
Student Discount: Complete Form to receive student pricing code
LA CES approved for 4 hours (HSW) credit
NCBLA approved for 4 hours credit
AIA approved for 4 LU|HSW credits