15th Annual NLI Design Institute
Science Learning Outdoors!
Outdoor activities have long been recognized for supporting learning across the curriculum and gardening acclaimed as a powerful motivator for improving children’s science competence. Hands-on outdoor work engages students in observing, exploring, experimenting, and discovering natural processes bringing a dynamic, motivational dimension to children’s learning.
Marcia Brooks, MID.Director and owner, Lakewood Avenue Children’s School, Durham, NC. The Reggio Emilia Approach to Outdoor Learning.
Nilda Cosco, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor, Director of Programs, Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University. Science Learning and Daily Life.* (lecture video not given for online use)
Carlos Ferreira Neto, Ph.D. Professor of Human Motor Development, Coordinator of the Graduate Program on Child Development, College of Human Motor Skills, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. The Joy of Science Learning Through Movement.
Cathy Jordan, Ph.D., LP. Research Director, Children & Nature Network (C&NN). Associate Professor, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health, University of Minnesota.The Natural World as a Resource for Learning and Development.
Robin Moore, MCP, ASLA Hon.Professor of Landscape Architecture, Director, Natural Learning Initiative, North Carolina State University. Design for Outdoor Science Learning.
Kathy Cabe Trundle, Ph.D. Department Head and Professor, STEM Education, College of Education, North Carolina State University. Digging into Gardening to Germinate Science Learning.* (lecture video not given for online use)
Barry A. Van Deman, President & CEO, Museum of Life and Science. I Have Questions.
Evie Houtz, Program Specialist, Be Active Kids. Playing Your Part.