3rd Annual NLI Design Institute
Design For Active Childhoods II
The goal of Design for Active Childhoods is to raise awareness about the role of the physical environment for healthy development and children’s active living.
Think back to when you were four, five, or six years old. It is likely some of your fondest memories are of the outdoors. Do you still remember what you used to do outside? Do you remember yourself actively exploring the outdoors, picking summer blackberries, playing with mud, building a fort in the woods, climbing trees, or playing with water? Research (and personal experience) tell us that the outdoors has a strong impact on the physical activity of children. But today’s children have far fewer opportunities to enjoy themselves in the fresh air.
Robin Moore, Dipl.Arch, MCP, Professor of Landscape Architecture, Director of the Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University. Presenter, Measuring Quality: Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS) development team.
Nilda Cosco, Psp, Education Specialist at the Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University. Presenter, Measuring Quality: Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS) development team.
Thomas Barrie, AIA, Director of the School of Architecture, College of Design, NC State University. The Role of Design.
Mike Lindstrom, AIA, an architect and Head of Horizons Design®. Designing a Childcare Center with the Outdoors in Mind.
Lori Little, Director of Bright Horizons Family Solutions Child Development Center at GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC. How Children’s Behavior Changed after the Renovation of the Play Areas.
Karen DeBord, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, NC State University. Measuring Quality: Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS) development team.
Linda Hestenes, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, UNC-Greensboro. Measuring Quality: Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS) development team.
Janet McGinnis, Program Consultant, More at Four Pre-Kindergarten Program. Measuring Quality: Preschool Outdoor Environment Measurement Scale (POEMS) development team.
Rodney L. Swink, FASLA, past president of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Welcome Session.
Betsy Thigpen, MSc, visiting scholar at the NC State University, College of Design. Head Start Growth and Readiness in the Outdoor World HS-GROW.

May 19-21, 2005