10th Annual NLI Design Institute
Designing Living Environments for Children and Other Creatures
As we increase nature in children’s outdoor environments, a myriad of creatures are attracted to these restored ecosystems. While many people enjoy plants, flowers, fruit trees, and vegetables, others wonder what to do with all of the uninvited bugs and other small creatures that suddenly appear in these rich environments! Have we lost the understanding that the living environment includes animals as well as humans?
The 10th Annual Design Institute will refresh our memories, offer opportunities to learn about and celebrate human relationships with animals, help us discover beneficial critters in our daily environment, and facilitate replicable hands-on, creative activities to engage children and caregivers with the animal kingdom.
David Becker, Senior Manager of Learning Experiences, Chicago Zoological Society, Lessons for Childcare Settings from the Zoo
John Connors, Naturalist Center Coordinator, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, Finding Inspiration Among Feathers
Nilda Cosco, Education Specialist, Natural Learning Initiative, Learning with Critters
Rob Dunn, Department of Biology, NC State University, The Wilderness of Children’s Play
Inger Lerstrup, Forest Schools Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Wildlife in the Forest Kindergarten
Bryce Lane, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, NC State, University and Host of In the Garden, UNC-TV, Creating Wildlife Gardens
Margaret Lowman, Director, Nature Research Center, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, The Hidden Life of Tree Canopies
Robin Moore, Director, The Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, Design It Right and They Will Come
Philip Waters, Play Program Coordinator, Eden Project, Cornwall, UK, The Worm that Turned

October 11-12, 2012