North Carolina Welcomes the Emergence of 13-Year Cicadas

The emergence of 17-year and 13-year cicadas in the Eastern US is currently captivating the attention of nature enthusiasts. Here in North Carolina, the 13-year cicadas are making their grand appearance. Emerging en masse after 13 years underground, these insects create a buzz of excitement with the potential for up to a million cicadas per acre. The distinct sound of male cicadas’ mating calls, reaching up to 100 decibels, adds to the spectacle of this natural phenomenon.

While some may find cicadas peculiar, they pose no harm to humans or pets. Lacking the ability to bite or sting, they offer a safe opportunity for children to observe and appreciate their presence. Cicada-watching becomes an exhilarating activity for kids, encouraging them to venture outdoors, explore wooded areas, and document their observations.

As these cicadas make their once-in-a-13-year appearance, children have the chance to witness a rare event in the natural world. Despite their brief presence, cicadas leave a lasting impression on young minds, fostering a deep appreciation for the wonders of the environment. So, grab your binoculars, head outdoors, and embark on an unforgettable journey into the world of cicadas with your children.

Shown in light blue on this map made by the US Forest Service is the 13-year Brood XIX now emerging in North Carolina! Also emerging at the same time around the greater Chicago area is the 17-year Brood XIII shown on the map in brown.